About Elena


Recipe for Removing Uric Acid Crystals

Grandmother’s Recipe for Healthy Joints: An Effective Method for Uric Acid Crystals

– This recipe saved my health. I wrote it down to help a professor friend who has the same health issues I overcame. If someone benefits from my experience, perhaps they won’t have to suffer as much or as long as I did.

On the streets, you often see people limping. At the start of their problem, medicine rightly suspects gout (formerly known as podagra), but unfortunately, test results often do not confirm this diagnosis. This is problematic because blood tests only detect gout in 30-40% of cases.

Since the test does not detect gout, 60-70% of patients are misdiagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, from my family’s experience, it seems that RA is not a genetic cause; rather, I see that genetic gout is the issue. The kidneys are unable to eliminate excess uric acid from the blood, causing the acid to deposit as crystals in the joint spaces, “burning” the lubrication, which “dries out” the joint. The lack of synovial fluid causes pain.

Joint swelling occurs (e.g., in the knees). The narrowing joint space increases friction between the joint surfaces. The longer we live, the more of these sharp crystals accumulate in our blood. This is clearly visible in a microscopic examination of a live drop of blood.

Unfortunately, this tangible test is also not recognized as measurable by current medicine.

After years of suffering and pain, it often leads to joint replacement surgeries—one, then another, and more—often preceded by the removal of bunions, which tend to grow back after a few years because we haven’t addressed the underlying cause.

I faced such a problem. I used to be a young wreck. I couldn’t go down stairs or hold a glass or fork.

By chance, I heard my diagnosis from a friend: gout. I started using my grandmother’s recipe, which consists of a brew of bay leaves and celery, along with an extract from the herb chanca piedra. Today, at 80, I live and work almost normally. I also greatly benefit from academic medicine, which has provided me with very effective treatment for post-COVID oncological illness.

Thanks to medicine, I enjoy being with my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In old age, life is appreciated even more. It is beautiful.

Let’s not forget that life consists of moments.

There’s an old saying: “The pitcher carries water until the handle breaks.”


Here’s the method I used that removed 85% of the crystals from my blood:


– One and a half cups of water
– A bag of broken and crushed bay leaves

Preparation Method:

Add the crushed bay leaves to a container with water.
Boil for half an hour.
Then steep at 80-90 degrees Celsius for 4 hours.
Cool down and place in the refrigerator.

After preparing the drink, start consuming it from the morning in small sips from a small thermos for 8-10 hours over the course of 3 weeks.

It can also be prepared for two or three days. After finishing this grandmother’s recipe, I used capsules with an extract from the herb chanca piedra.

Taking 2-3 capsules a day has helped me and many others prevent kidney stones and the formation of uric acid crystals in the blood.

My eyes no longer burn in the evening, and I no longer have knee or wrist pain. Others have reported that their skin is no longer drying out or that their hair is no longer falling out.